Emergency Alerts

  • September 04, 2020

    Additional support for employees impacted by wildfire - launch Wildfire Relief Fund grant applications

    In our continued efforts to support our employees who have been impacted by the wildfire, we have launched a new grant program to assist affected faculty and staff with unexpected financial expenses.

  • September 03, 2020

    Next phase of building resumption - additional buildings cleared to open

    Effective immediately, the following buildings have been cleared by Chancellor Larive to reopen. These locations may only resume operations that were in effect on Aug. 20, 2020, prior to the campus emergency declaration, and approved through the COVID-19 resumption process.

  • September 03, 2020

    Next phase of building resumption - additional buildings cleared to open

    Effective immediately, the following buildings have been cleared by Chancellor Larive to reopen. These locations may only resume operations that were in effect on Aug. 20, 2020, prior to the campus emergency declaration, and approved through the COVID-19 resumption process.

  • September 02, 2020

    Next phase of building resumption - additional buildings cleared to open

    Effective immediately, the following buildings have been cleared to reopen. These locations may only resume operations that were in effect on Aug. 20, 2020, prior to the campus emergency declaration, and approved through the COVID-19 resumption process.

  • August 31, 2020

    Phased campus reopening underway, emergency order lifted

    The UC Santa Cruz emergency order is lifted and the campus is in the midst of a phased effort to recover from the CZU Wildfire.

  • August 31, 2020

    Next phase of building resumption - additional buildings cleared to open

    Though the wildfire continues to burn in our county, it is now at 39% containment due to the heroic efforts of firefighters from across our region and state. Based on the latest status, I am lifting my Emergency Declaration that was issued on August 20th.

  • August 28, 2020

    New vacation payout program for those impacted by the wildfires

    In addition to the support services already outlined in prior communications, we are launching a new program. The UC Santa Cruz Employee Emergency Accrued Vacation Payout Program is a temporary program for eligible UCSC employees who are experiencing financial hardship as a result of the summer 2020 wildfires in California.

  • August 27, 2020

    Resumption of Operations at Coastal Science Campus, Westside Research Park; emergency declaration modified

    Based on the latest conditions, I am modifying further the campus emergency declaration. Effective immediately, the Coastal Science Campus and Westside Research Park can resume operations that were in effect on Aug. 20, 2020, prior to campus declaration.

  • August 26, 2020

    Re-opening employee housing, rest of campus remains closed

    Chancellor Cynthia Larive has amended the Aug. 20 emergency declaration so that employees who live at Laureate Court, Hagar Court, Ranch View Terrace, Hagar Meadow, and Cardiff Terrace can return to their homes tonight. The rest of the residential campus remains closed, as do the Coastal Science Campus and Westside Research Park.

  • August 25, 2020

    SHR Employee Hotline and Resources

    As our community continues to grapple with the ongoing wildfire threat to our campus, homes, and physical safety, we are providing additional resources to staff for the weeks ahead. Through displacement and emergency, it is critical for our staff community to have resources by phone or computer at their fingertips.

  • August 25, 2020

    CZU Lightning Complex fire: How to give help, how to get help

    This past week has seen many incredible displays of kindness, perseverance and resilience. We both spent time on campus with our teams as they managed the emergency evacuation.

  • August 23, 2020

    Servicios de apoyo para empleados impactados por los incendios forestales y evacuaciones

    Todo miembro de la facultad y del personal que lea esto ha sido impactado de distintas maneras por los incendios forestales actualmente activos en nuestra región. Algunos de Uds. han sido evacuados, otros de Uds. están albergando a individuos que han sido desplazados, y lamentablemente otros han perdido sus hogares en los incendios.

  • August 23, 2020

    Support services for employees impacted by the wildfires and evacuations

    Every faculty and staff member reading this has been impacted in different ways by the wildfires that are active in our region. Some of you have evacuated, some of you are hosting individuals who have been displaced, and sadly some of you have lost your homes in the fires.

  • August 23, 2020

    Santa Cruz County wildfires 8% contained, potential bad weather approaching the region

    The wildfire impacting Santa Cruz County is now 8% contained thanks to the valiant efforts of first responders from CAL FIRE and across the country. The fire remains approximately one mile north of campus and has not traveled further south at this point.

  • August 22, 2020

    Weekend UCSC Fire Update

    Through the tireless work of CAL FIRE and first responders, the CZU Lightning Complex Fire that threatens our campus is now 5% contained. CAL FIRE created fire breaks from Highway 1 to Highway 9 to help decrease the threat of fire to additional areas, including UC Santa Cruz and the city of Santa Cruz.

  • August 21, 2020

    Update on campus response to wildfire

    The wildfires continue to impact Santa Cruz County. There are approximately 57,000 acres involved, but we are now at 2% containment thanks to the amazing efforts of fire crews.

  • August 21, 2020

    UCSC Fire Update

    As of this morning, the fire is about a mile north of upper campus. There is no fire activity on campus or in the City of Santa Cruz, and we hope that all our activities have been taken in an abundance of caution.

  • August 21, 2020

    You are not alone - we are with you

    Whether you have been evacuated from your residence on campus, are living near campus, or are watching or hearing about the fires in the Santa Cruz area from some distance away, I know that many of you are scared right now. You have concerns and might not be sure where to turn or what to do next. You are not alone.

  • August 20, 2020

    Support for employee needs emerging from the current wildfires

    As the members of our Slug community continue to deal with the wildfires and evacuations, we want to outline some of the resources available to you.

  • August 20, 2020

    EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: Evacuation order--Emergency Declaration

    Based on the chancellor’s emergency declaration, ALL employees and students living in campus housing must evacuate. Everyone must immediately leave the UC Santa Cruz residential campus and be prepared to not return for at least two weeks. UC Santa Cruz Police Officers will be going door to door to evacuate those remaining on campus.

  • August 20, 2020

    UC Santa Cruz Declaration of Emergency

    UC Santa Cruz is impacted by the wildfires burning in Santa Cruz County and elsewhere in Northern California. Residents of the mountain communities surrounding UC Santa Cruz have been forced to evacuate their homes in the face of the fast-moving Lightning Complex Fire ignited a few days ago by a dry lightning storm.

  • August 20, 2020

    Evacuation Warning

    This is not an evacuation order, but rather a warning to be prepared to evacuate.

  • August 20, 2020

    Initiating the next steps in our fire response - beginning next stages of voluntary evacuations

    As the conditions around Santa Cruz county worsen and the fires impacting our region continue to grow, we are now initiating several critical steps in our fire response.

  • August 20, 2020

    Mandatory research cessation and information about securing research materials

    I am now directing that all non-essential research operations at all Santa Cruz locations cease immediately. Please shut down all equipment as you would normally do for winter curtailment, secure chemicals in fire-safe storage, and secure lab notebooks and other irreplaceable items if possible.

  • August 20, 2020

    Support during difficult times

    We understand the stress that many of you may be experiencing; the addition of the fires on top of an already difficult year has been a challenge. Please know that we want to support you as you navigate these difficult times.

  • August 20, 2020

    The Impact of Fires on our Community

    Today my heart is with all the members of our community for the challenges we face together. At this moment I am especially concerned for those impacted by the wildfires burning in Santa Cruz County and elsewhere in Northern California.

  • August 20, 2020

    Impact of Fires on Instruction

    While instruction in summer classes continues, we understand the fear and disturbance that sudden evacuations can cause. We encourage everyone to be flexible as you consider how to continue instruction in these challenging times

  • August 20, 2020

    Critical update on wildfires in Santa Cruz—preparation for potential evacuation

    We continue to closely track the wildfires impacting the county of Santa Cruz and the region. At this point, there are no active fires on campus properties in Santa Cruz County. However, conditions can change rapidly and we are being vigilant in our preparations. Air quality also remains a concern throughout the area.

  • August 20, 2020

    Temporary cessation of non-essential on-campus research activities recommended due to poor air quality and possible fire threat

    Based on the poor air quality and the potential of a campus evacuation, we recommend that all non-essential on-campus research activities cease until the air quality improves and there is more clarity on the fire threat to the campus.

  • August 20, 2020

    Critical update on wildfires in Santa Cruz—preparation for potential evacuation

    We continue to closely track the wildfires impacting the county of Santa Cruz and the region. At this point, there are no active fires on campus properties in Santa Cruz County. However, conditions can change rapidly and we are being vigilant in our preparations. Air quality also remains a concern throughout the area.

  • August 19, 2020

    Power outage possible tonight at UCSC locations

    Pacific Gas and Electric Co. has informed UC Santa Cruz leaders that our main residential campus, Coastal Science Campus, and Westside Research Park may experience a power outage for an hour or two around 8 p.m. tonight as part of the series of rotating outages being utilized statewide to ease demand on the power grid caused by the heat wave gripping California.

  • August 19, 2020

    Campus Air Quality

    Smoke from multiple northern California fires, including the Lightning Complex Fires in the Santa Cruz Mountains, is impacting our local air quality.

  • August 19, 2020

    Update on fires impacting our region

    UC Santa Cruz continues to closely track the fires in Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, and neighboring counties. This event has resulted in multiple evacuations and air quality concerns.

  • August 19, 2020

    Additional support for employees impacted by wildfire evacuations

    As fire threats continue to impact our region and Santa Cruz county, we know that many employees have been forced to evacuate from your homes. This adds stress to an already challenging time for you and your families.