Impact of Fires on Instruction

To: UC Santa Cruz Summer Instructional Staff

From: Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Lori Kletzer

Dear UCSC Summer Instructional Staff,

The many fires across the state, and particularly the fires in Santa Cruz county, are causing upheavals, fear, and dislocations for many of our faculty, students, and staff. While instruction in summer classes continues, we understand the fear and disturbance that sudden evacuations can cause. We encourage everyone to be flexible as you consider how to continue instruction in these challenging times.

Students who have been evacuated may not have good access to the internet and other instructional resources, may be dislocated, and may not be able to find a quiet and isolated location to participate in class or do assigned work. We encourage instructors to be flexible in this emergency situation. Students may need extra time or other accommodations in order to be able to complete work, or may wish to request Incomplete (I) grades.

Instructors and TAs may similarly be dislocated by evacuations. As with other disruptions, such as last year’s power shutoffs and the disruptions of COVID-19, if classes are missed, instructors can provide alternate means for completing the courses’ learning objectives. The chair or college provost sponsoring the course can serve as a resource in discussing these issues, as can we. Communication, between instructors, TAs, and students, is particularly important. and last year’s fall guidance are useful resources. 

The campus has ongoing information about the fire, including additional resources for students, faculty, and staff, at

Most importantly, we want to convey to students, faculty, and staff that we recognize the extraordinary circumstances you face and our profound gratitude for the commitment you have shown to teaching and learning. Thank you for all you are doing and please let us know how we can support you.