UC Santa Cruz is launching an internal search for the next Vice Provost of Academic Affairs (VPAA).
Reporting to me, the VPAA is the senior campus official responsible for Senate and non-Senate academic appointments, promotions and advancements; academic recruitment and retention; faculty development and faculty leadership programs; advocacy, development, and implementation of academic program planning and external review processes; WASC accreditation and assessment activities; oversight of our Academic Personnel Office and the Teaching and Learning Center. In addition, the Vice Provost serves as a representative for the campus to the UC Office of the President, collaborates with their counterparts at other UC campuses, and works with select Academic Senate committees. Our campus is in need of a committed, forward-thinking, transformative, collaborative leader in this role as we navigate the challenges ahead of us as an academic institution.
Celine Parreñas Shimizu, Dean of the Arts Division and Distinguished Professor of Film and Digital Media, will chair the search advisory committee. UCSC candidates can apply now through UC Recruit, with an initial review date of March 14, 2025. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. First round interviews are April 1 & 2 and final interviews will be held the week of April 14, 2025.
Full details on the recruitment, including a complete position description, are posted on the CP/EVC website. I encourage faculty nominations, including self-nominations, for this role. Please send nominations to llmorgan@ucsc.edu.
If you have specific questions not addressed on the site, please email Lauren Morgan, Senior Leader Human Resources Manager, at llmorgan@ucsc.edu.