Dear Campus Community,
I write today acknowledging the uncertainty and anxiety that many members of our community are experiencing from the federal actions over these past weeks. I share these feelings and I want to reaffirm our commitment to our mission.
As communicated previously, the University of California along with other organizations, obtained a court order temporarily halting efforts to reduce NIH funding for bio-medical research. There may be additional efforts to reduce research funding across the federal agencies that could threaten some of the research we do on our campus. It is particularly disheartening that research areas we have historically led, including environmental and social justice, are being mischaracterized. Unless we receive specific information to the contrary, we must continue our funded work. Specific questions from the research community can be directed to the Office of Research. We have launched a new microsite to further promote to the public the transformative impact of UC Santa Cruz research on the lives of people across the country. We will continue to add to the website over time.
On February 14, universities across the country, including UC, received a “Dear Colleague” letter alerting educational institutions to the Department of Education Office for Civil Rights' interpretation of a 2023 Supreme Court decision preventing the use of race in admissions. The Dear Colleague letter describes the decision’s impact broadly to include various aspects of campus life and administration, and warns that noncompliance can jeopardize federal funding.
Since 1996 California law has prohibited state governmental institutions from considering race, sex, national origin or ethnicity, specifically in the areas of public employment, public contracting, and public education. For decades, we have celebrated and supported all members of our community while complying with federal and state law. Our mission and values have not changed. UC Santa Cruz remains committed to being a campus where all feel welcome and respected.
I know it is difficult to go about business as usual with so much uncertainty, but I encourage our campus community to keep doing the good work that aligns with our mission and improves the world. The Division of Student Affairs and Success as well as units across the campus are in contact and sharing information in support of those who may be feeling especially concerned and threatened right now including our immigrant, international, LGBTQ+, and other historically marginalized communities. We see you. We support you. And we will continue to advocate for you.
To keep up to date on emerging issues, the UC Office of the President has developed a Federal Updates website. President Drake has also shared a message and video in response to the Dear Colleague letter recently issued by OCR.
We remain proud of the excellent work done on our campus everyday. We will continue to pursue our mission, guided by our values. Our university, the state of California and the nation will be better for our efforts.
In Community,
Cynthia Larive