AFSCME and UPTE strike vote

Dear Colleagues,

Last week, Systemwide Labor Relations informed campus leadership of votes authorizing strikes by American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) local 3299 and Union of Professional and Technical Employees (UPTE) local 9199. These unions represent many of our transit, dining, custodial, information technology, patient care, and instructional lab employees. At the time of the strike votes, it was believed that a strike could start on November 13 and run through November 15, coincident with the University of California Board of Regents meeting at UCSF on those days. As of this morning, Systemwide Labor Relations has not received a formal ten-day strike notice from UPTE or AFSCME. 

The purpose of this message is to let you know that these strike votes create some uncertainty about the status of campus services next week and perhaps the week after. As you plan your instruction for these weeks (November 12-15 and November 18-22), you might want to take account of this uncertainty.

As soon as we have more information regarding the timing of a strike, we will let you know. 

Thank you.

Lori Kletzer
Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor


This message was sent to the instructional community, department chairs, graduate students, and academic-adjacent group.