UCSC Camper Park to close

After an extensive safety and sustainability review process, UC Santa Cruz is closing the Camper Park housing facility on Leonardo Lane. This decision was reached due to the significant health and safety concerns. 

During this review process, input was solicited from many, including the campus Fire Marshal's office, Environmental Health and Safety, and Campus Housing. Camper Park residents were also actively involved in discussions with campus staff during the spring quarter to provide their input and perspectives. 

Student housing team members are in the process of reaching out to students who expressed interest in living in Camper Park during the 2024-25 academic year and are providing support and assistance in identifying housing options for the coming year.

The history of the Camper Park and the potential impacts of this decision are fully recognized. The passion and advocacy shown by students and the community throughout this process are deeply appreciated. However, the health and safety of the community remain the priority and the basis for this decision.

If you have questions regarding this decision, please email avc-ches@ucsc.edu for assistance.