Report allegations of police misconduct to Police Accountability Board

To: UC Santa Cruz Campus Community

From: UC Santa Cruz Police Accountability Board

The UC Santa Cruz Police Accountability Board (PAB), established this academic year (2023-2024), is an independent and neutral oversight committee composed of diverse members representing the campus community that includes members of the faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, and career staff. The PAB exists to improve police accountability of the UC Santa Cruz Police Department (UCSC PD), reform police policies and procedures and promote greater confidence in policing on campus.  The PAB independently and impartially reviews investigative reports related to allegations of police misconduct from the campus community and the general public and makes recommendations to the Chief of Police in a fair and unbiased manner on alleged violations. Additionally, the PAB suggests improvements to UC Santa Cruz Police Department policies, procedures, practices, and trainings to ensure they address the community's needs and concerns.

The trust, confidence, and support of the public are crucial for a positive relationship between the UC Santa Cruz Police Department and the community it serves. In line with California Penal Code §832.5, UC Santa Cruz has established a complaint process to address concerns and complaints about the UCSC PD. All investigations are confidential, and retaliation for filing a complaint is strictly prohibited.

Complaints against the UCSC PD can be filed by members of the general public/campus community, which could include, but are not limited to allegations of improper arrest, search, seizure or stop, improper or inadequate investigation, improper detention procedure, excessive force, discrimination, or harassment. For resources and instructions on how to file a complaint, please visit the PAB website

For more information about the PAB, please take a look at our procedures and bylaws. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. We can be reached at We plan to hold public quarterly meetings next year, and we look forward to  fostering a dialogue among the campus community.