FAQ for Students or Employees Who Have Received a 626.4 Notice

What is Section 626.4 of the California Penal Code?

Section 626.4 gives the chief administrative officer of a campus (or an officer or employee designated by the chief administrative officer to maintain order on the campus) the authority to exclude disruptive persons from the campus temporarily, for up to 14 days. Section 626.4 also provides that an individual entering the campus after being excluded is guilty of a misdemeanor.

Why have I received notice of 626.4?

You have received this notice because the university has reasonable cause to believe that you have willfully disrupted the orderly operation of campus and your continued presence on campus constitutes a substantial and material threat to persons or property.

What are the immediate effects of 626.4?

During the exclusion period under 626.4, you are prohibited from being on UC Santa Cruz property, including but not limited to:

  • Attending classes in-person (remote attendance is up to each professor)
  • Participating in university activities, including clubs and organizations, on university property
  • Accessing university facilities such as dining, athletic facilities, libraries, labs, etc.
  • Residing in university housing
  • Attending university events on campus
  • For any employment or research on campus (you are responsible for contacting your supervisor about your absence and whether you are able to work remotely during your exclusion period)

Can I appeal my exclusion under 626.4?

Yes, you can appeal by requesting a hearing. Students can request a hearing by contacting Student Conduct at conduct@ucsc.edu. Employees can request a hearing by contacting the Academic Personnel Office at apo@ucsc.edu.

How long will the 626.4 last?

Exclusion under 626.4 is for up to 14 days.

What should I do if I live on campus and need to retrieve my belongings?

You can arrange to retrieve your belongings by completing this form and our staff will reach out to you to make arrangements. Link to form to request to pick-up belongings: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdfRCXhX5ReFNQBD2qjA1FHVxgugJIYvE2ydhSdbb_DQUnf1w/viewform

Will a 626.4 appear on my academic record?

A 626.4 exclusion is under the California Penal Code. It does not appear on your academic transcript.

Can I still communicate with my professors and classmates during my exclusion period?

You can communicate with your professors and teaching assistants via email or other online platforms about whether and how you will be able to participate in your classes for the duration of your exclusion period.

What should I do if I have a job on campus?

You will not be able to come onto campus during your exclusion period for any on-campus employment. It is your responsibility to communicate with your supervisor about your exclusion from campus.

What campus resources are available to help me during this time?

Several resources may be available to support you during your 626.4 notice, including:

What off-campus resources are available to help me during this time?

What if I need to access healthcare services on campus?

Students needing to access healthcare services or pick up medications on campus should reach out to the health center. For primary care needs (e.g. doctor’s visit, prescription pickup, etc.) call 831.459.2591 and tell the person that you have been temporarily excluded from campus per 626.4. This number will also provide options for after-hours care. For CAPS, Case Management, and Psychiatry appointments, please call 831.459.2628 and let them know that you are not able to come to campus. They will direct you accordingly. This number will also provide after-hours and crisis information. If you are a current patient and require ongoing care, please let them know when you call. Students under a 626.4 do not have access to the services of the Campus Mobile Crisis Unit because they operate exclusively on campus.