Balancing goals: Student athlete Camille Anneet excels in politics, legal studies, and soccer

Camille Anneet  (Stevenson ’26, politics and legal studies)

Camille Anneet, a second-year soccer player double majoring in politics and legal studies, chose to attend UC Santa Cruz because of the campus’s unique location and proximity to the ocean. Growing up in Malibu, Anneet  (Stevenson ’26, politics and legal studies) was naturally attracted to the university’s oceanside. 

“I liked what the school offered in terms of academics and athletics,” Anneet said. “Division three is the perfect balance for me and exactly what I wanted. All of that made me drawn to the school.”

Anneet has played soccer since she was six years old and always knew she wanted to play competitively. It wasn’t until she played in high school that she realized she could continue through college. 

With over a decade of soccer experience behind her, Anneet is comfortable balancing the sport with her academics and social life. 

“I've had to balance a social life, academics, and soccer my whole life,” said Anneet. “So it's kind of the norm for me and what I'm used to. I've been able to find time for everything and it helps that I'm close with my teammates.” 

Anneet is also part of the Student Athlete Advisory Committee which is comprised of multiple students from different campus sports teams who work together to improve student athletics and recreation experience. Members undertake projects that benefit student-athletes and the community; act as a student-athlete voice to the athletic administration; and represent UCSC student-athletes.

“I've only joined this year, but over the next two years, I would love to have more of a leadership role and be more involved in organizing.”

As a politics and legal studies double major, Anneet has her eyes on various concentrations in the field of law. She hopes to one day pursue either criminal justice, environmental law, or international law, and attend graduate school. 

“I want to find something in that field that I love doing and that will make an impact on other people,” Anneet said. “I'm learning a lot of different stuff in my classes right now and we’ll see what tends to stick out.”