Notice of Open Comment: New Interim Non-Patent Royalty Disposition Policy

To: UC Santa Cruz Community

From: John MacMillan, Interim Vice Chancellor for Research, and Ryan Sharp, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Innovation and Business Engagement

The Office of Research invites comments on the new interim policy on Income Disposition for UC-owned Copyrightable Materials, Research Data, and Tangible Research Property (Non-Patent). This policy concerns the distribution of royalties from UC-owned intellectual property that is not subject to patent protection. The policy addresses the following key concepts:

  • The allocation of Net Royalties revenue generated from UC-owned non-patent Intellectual Property between  Contributors, Contributors’ Research Labs (or equivalents), and the Campus General Fund.
  • Contingencies for inactive Research Labs. 

Comments may be submitted to the Policy Coordination Office at by close of business October 5, 2024.

To view this and all other campus administrative policies, see