CITRIS invites PIs at UC Santa Cruz to apply for research support through the Interdisciplinary Innovation Program

CITRIS and the Banatao Institute, UC Santa Cruz invites Principal Investigators on the Santa Cruz campus to apply for research support through our Interdisciplinary Innovation Program (I2P) – formerly known as the CITRIS UCSC Campus Seed Funding Program. Separate from the broader CITRIS Core Seed Funding initiative, which funds collaborative research between the four CITRIS campuses, the I2P focuses on strengthening interdisciplinary connections here on the Santa Cruz campus. Through the program, we will fund early-stage research, which furthers the CITRIS and the Banatao Institute mission, i.e., research on Information Technology to address current pressing societal challenges, and has a strong promise of securing external funding.

The request for proposals opens June 13, 2024, on the I2P program website. The submission deadline is August 15, 2024, and we will announce the awards in September 2024. The funds will be released directly after the announcement in September.

The 2024-25 program requests proposals with a focus in the following areas:

Responsible/Ethical Technology

The rapid emergence of Artificial Intelligence applications have reanimated many public discussions of ethical issues, but these issues are not limited to AI. How do we encourage the ethical use and development of all technologies, including robotics/UAVs, autonomous systems, sensors, genetics/bioengineering, etc., across the range of application areas, including transportation, agriculture, healthcare, social media, games and art? Projects engaging these issues in innovative ways as well as those developing tech solutions to encourage ethical use are welcome.

Educational Technology - EdTech

Information technology is argued to hold immense potential to create better, more equitable outcomes and opportunities for all students. Projects developing innovative EdTech solutions to challenges facing students, teachers and/or institutions of learning are welcome.

Art and Technology

Technology has become a transformative instrument for artists, enabling novel modes of expression and connection with audiences. Through experimentation with augmented reality exhibitions and live-streamed performances, artists leverage technology to seamlessly traverse digital and physical realms, expanding audience reach, facilitating critique, and preserving arts. Art and Technology support projects that explore artistic applications of technologies and ideas related to technology and culture with opportunities for public engagement. Collaborative art projects engaging with or integrating information technology in innovative ways that provide societal benefits are welcome. This collaboration is also encouraged in the other two focus areas.

For more information, we invite you to attend one of the upcoming information sessions:

CITRIS and the Banatao Institute create information technology solutions for society’s most pressing challenges. Established in 2001, the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS) leverages the interdisciplinary research strengths of four UC campuses – Santa Cruz, Berkeley, Davis and Merced – to advance the University of California’s mission and the innovative spirit of California. The institute was created to shorten the pipeline between world-class laboratory research and the development of cutting-edge applications, platforms, companies, and even new industries. For more information, visit the CITRIS website.