Search launches for new AVC for budget analysis and planning

To: UC Santa Cruz Campus Community

From: Edward D. Reiskin, Chief Financial Officer and Vice Chancellor for Finance, Operations and Administration

UC Santa Cruz is launching a national search for the position of associate vice chancellor (AVC) for budget analysis and planning. The department plays a critical role in supporting leadership and the campus in areas of academic and institutional resources, financial and budgetary policy and planning, fiscal administration and information services. 

Campus Controller Biju Kamaleswaran will chair the search committee. We have retained the executive search firm Opus Partners to assist in this recruitment. We aim to complete the search by the end of March. 

The associate vice chancellor for budget analysis and planning reports to the vice chancellor for Finance, Operations and Administration. They are responsible for campus-wide budget activities, identifying and recommending allocation of resources necessary for UC Santa Cruz to excel as a major research university, and data management services that translate and integrate data into information for use in analysis for campus decision making and in optimizing business processes.

I am grateful to Kimberly Register, who has served as AVC for Budget Analysis and Planning for two-and-a-half years.  Along with her budgetary duties, Kimberly led campus efforts to define an annual budget and funding allocation process for academic divisions, helped shepherd the campus through the pandemic's extraordinary impacts, and took initiative to modernize data management practices. She also served on the Implementation Task Force for Inclusive Excellence in Graduate Education Steering Committee as the co-chair of the Graduate Education Funding and Student Financial Support subcommittee. 

A description of the position and additional information can be found on the CP/EVC recruitment webpage. The first review date will be Feb. 20th. 

If you have specific questions not addressed on the site, please email Lauren Morgan, Senior Leader Human Resources Manager, at