Zoom is making a global change to all Zoom accounts that requires all meetings to have a Passcode or a Waiting Room enabled. ITS is implementing this change on Wednesday morning, Sept. 9 to all UCSC staff and functional accounts.
What is NOT Changing
The scheduling process for Zoom meetings will remain unchanged.
If you have already enabled meeting passcodes on your Zoom account, your settings will remain the same.
What IS Changing
Starting Sept. 9 for new Zoom meetings (scheduled on or after Sept. 9):
Any new Zoom meeting scheduled will include a randomly generated Meeting Passcode in the meeting details and the meeting URL (link to join) will have an encrypted version of the passcode embedded in it. Anyone joining this meeting using the meeting URL (link to join) will not be prompted for a passcode. Anyone joining a meeting that manually enters the meeting ID, will need to also manually enter the passcode.
Here’s what a Zoom meeting URL looks like without a passcode:
Here’s what a Zoom meeting URL looks likes with a passcode:
Starting Sept. 9 for existing Zoom meetings (scheduled prior to Sept. 9):
Any Zoom meeting without a passcode, Zoom will automatically enable a Waiting Room for your meetings. The attendees will wait in the virtual Waiting Room until the host admits them to the meeting. Learn more about Zoom Waiting Rooms.
Zoom Scheduler Browser Extension
If you use the Zoom Scheduler browser extension (the Make it a Zoom Meeting button in Google Calendar), you will need to sign out of the Zoom Scheduler browser extension on or after Sept. 9 and sign back in to allow the passcode settings to sync. The extension is the blue Zoom logo located in the upper right hand corner of the browser
Get Help
Check out Zoom’s FAQs for this change.
Join the UCSC Online Slack workspace to receive prompt responses about Zoom or other questions about working remotely and online.
If you have questions or concerns about this upcoming change, you may submit an IT Request ticket at https://itrequest.ucsc.edu or contact the ITS Support Center by email at help@ucsc.edu.