"No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it."
– H.E. Luccock
The work we do on teams can be the most rewarding, or the most frustrating part of our careers. Learning & Development invites you to gather and discuss how to improve our team experiences by bringing our values to the work we do on teams, even when we are distanced from one another.
Join us:
Friday, May 1
Zoom at: https://ucsc.zoom.us/j/3624437715
We’ll discuss how our work life can become an “Island of Sanity” governed by team values. If your schedule permits, we have some great resources to start you thinking about Value-Driven Teams, but they are not required for joining the discussion.
Learning & Development is hosting UCOP-provided micro-learnings from SkillSoft, two-to-five minute episodes defining, and exploring the wider topic of teams. The bundle of Team micro-learnings is available to view at your convenience.
If you’d like to explore further, access your UCSC Academic Impressions account to watch Therese Lask lead us through a free webcast 'Identify and Actualize Your Team Values'.
You can also take this quick values inventory (also included in the Academic Impressions webcast,) to reflect on your personal values, and how they align with your work practices.
This article, by Suzanne Willis Zoglio reviews Seven Keys for Great Teams.
Finally, Margaret Wheatley, originator of the Islands of Sanity model has a couple of highly recommended YouTube Videos, Creating Islands of Sanity (22 minutes) and Letting Go and Leading Through Chaos (6 minutes.)
Access all or none of these resources, and then join us to talk about our teams during these challenging times on Friday, May 1.