The Council of UC Emeriti Associations (CUCEA) will conduct its triennial survey of UC emeriti in early October. As before, the survey focuses on the ways in which UC retired faculty are continuing to serve the mission of the university by continuing to teach, do research and serve their communities.
The last time the survey was done in 2015, more than 1600 people completed it. CUCEA’s report of the findings, A Virtual Eleventh Campus (PDF), was very wellreceived, including a feature in The Chronicle of Higher Education, a national publication.
The report showed that, when you combine all of the teaching, service and research work that retired UC faculty are doing, the numbers are impressive—in fact, it amounts to the work of an entire university.
The findings of the most recent survey have been very helpful in advocating for the interests and the continuing support of UC retirees.
It is expected that 90 percent of those who respond to the survey will take it online.