Revising the Strategic Academic Plan documentation

To: UC Santa Cruz Community

From: Campus Provost/Executive Vice Chancellor Marlene Tromp

SAP Document Revision

I am excited to share the newest version of our Strategic Academic Plan and implementation guide. Over the course of the fall quarter, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Herbie Lee and his team have produced another draft of the Strategic Academic Plan document based on robust feedback from the Senate and our community. Their aim was to recraft the document to reflect the wise counsel we received. While the core content continues to embody the high impact insights of our faculty that formed the first draft, the format of the new document has been completely re-worked, and the implementation section significantly revised. It is through the best insights of our community that this plan will reflect our aspirations as an institution and guide our next steps. Therefore, I am delighted to share it again and to invite your review and feedback. Between now and March 1, we welcome general comments and suggestions for improving the document.

Faculty, staff, and students can provide insights a number of ways:

  • In-person at the:
    • Town Hall on Friday, Jan. 18, 10:30–11:30 a.m. in 4286 in McHenry Library
    • Cafe SAP on Wednesday, Feb. 13, 8:30–9:30 a.m. at the Coastal Campus
  • Electronically by:

Town hall

Save the date! On Friday, Jan. 18, 10:30–11:30 a.m. in 4286 McHenry Library, faculty, students, and staff are invited to a Town Hall to discuss SAP and to collect community input on the latest version of the plan. At this conversational event, Herbie and I welcome your general comments and suggestions for improving the document, and we are especially interested in your ideas for initiatives and/or goals to support/achieve the design principles. I encourage you to RSVP so we can ensure sufficient seating and catering. The event will be video-recorded to permit people who cannot attend an opportunity to view the proceedings. The Town Hall takes place in lieu of the January Cafe SAP. All input and feedback about the revision will be due by Friday, March 1.


As always, I welcome your SAP-related questions or concerns. Feel free to email me or Herbie at