Review and Comment—Presidential Task Force Recommendations for Universitywide Policing

To: UC Santa Cruz Faculty and Staff

From: Steve Stein, Associate Vice Chancellor & Chief Human Resources Officer, Staff Human Resources

I am sharing with you a memo from Senior Vice President Alexander Bustamante regarding recommendations from the Presidential Task Force on Universitywide Policing. The task force, established by President Napolitano in early 2018, reviewed existing policing practices throughout the system to determine areas in need of improvement and ensure their alignment with national best practices.
Based on feedback from students, faculty and staff, through this deliberative process, the task force identified a number of areas needing improvement and recommended changes consisting with best practices in policing. The attached executive summary contains the recommendations, which will be finalized after the review period and submitted to the president for her consideration.
If you would like to provide feedback please submit all comments to no later than Dec. 3, 2018.