Reports of sexual misconduct by a professor

To: UC Santa Cruz Community

From: Campus Provost/Executive Vice Chancellor Marlene Tromp

I would like to respond to media reports about a professor who several people have alleged committed acts of sexual violence and/or sexual harassment.

Given the publicity, I can confirm that our Title IX investigation concluded that this professor engaged in conduct that violated the UC Policy on Sexual Harassment, which was the applicable policy that was in place until 2015. Now that the investigation has concluded, we are moving to the next step in the procedures for the disciplinary process pursuant to the required personnel procedures. The professor remains on leave. I want to thank the brave people who came forward to our Title IX Office to report their experiences.

We expect everyone in our campus community to know that sexual harassment and sexual misconduct are at odds with the values of our campus. Like all of you, I want UC Santa Cruz to be free from sexual misconduct of any kind. I am deeply troubled when I hear allegations about anyone being abused, harassed, or marginalized. Our campus is one that strives to welcome everyone and treat them equitably. This case—and the many others inside and outside academia—serves as a reminder of how much further we have to go as a campus and as a culture.

I believe our Beyond Compliance initiative is an important step in helping to reshape our campus culture and make clear to everyone that sexual violence and sexual harassment have no place here. This initiative already has led to near-term improvements in how we respond to allegations of sexual misconduct, yet it is the long-term change that will serve our community for decades to come.

I recognize that we can—and should—be more open about the work of our Title IX Office, while still ensuring the confidentiality and protecting the due-process rights of all parties involved. This fall, the Title IX Office will publish a report that provides more insight into the number of reports at UC Santa Cruz and how they are handled. I’ve asked that this be an annual report so that we can keep our community better informed in this area.

Additionally, we have more information online about the Title IX process as well as an FAQ section.

As previously mentioned, the campus will hold a town hall meeting next month to provide updates on our Title IX Office, our CARE office, our Beyond Compliance initiative, and more. We will soon share details about the day, time, and location. In light of this news and with the start of a new academic year, it’s important for all of us to join together to ensure we’re doing all we can to prevent and respond to sexual misconduct.

Finally, I encourage anyone in our community who has been the victim of sexual violence or sexual harassment to reach out to our Title IX Office. You are not alone.