Staff Appreciation Picnic date change and Thumbs Up Award submission extended

To: UC Santa Cruz Staff

From: Michael Luttrell, Chair Staff Advisory Board

On behalf of the Staff Advisory Board, I would like to apologize for our over-site in scheduling the Staff Appreciation Picnic during the month of Ramadan.  In order to make this event open and inclusive of all of our staff members, we have moved the event to Wednesday, June 27th, 11:30am-1:30pm.  With the new date comes a new venue, and I am pleased to announce that this year's picnic will be held in the newly renovated Quarry Amphitheater.  A new RSVP will be coming out as we get closer to the event.

Secondly, I would like to announce that we have pushed the Thumbs Up submission deadline out until Friday, May 18th, so there is still time to recognize your fellow staff members.

For individual awards please CLICK HERE
For team awards please CLICK HERE

Lastly, if you were unable to attend or join the live stream for the Leadership Forum on April 24th, the entire video can found at the bottom of the live stream page:

Thank you,