Election Day—today

To: UC Santa Cruz Community

From: Public Affairs

This message is to remind you that polls close at 8 p.m. tonight.  Please take the opportunity and exercise your right to vote.  If you need information about polling locations—on and off campus—and the measures on your ballot, please go to www.votescount.com
California state law, University of California policy, and applicable labor agreements allow leave with pay up to a maximum of two hours for voting in a statewide primary or general election if an employee is scheduled to work eight hours or more that day, and if the employee does not have time to vote outside of the employee’s regular working hours. 
Six campus polling stations will be open on Tuesday, June 5, 2018 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. All will accept mail-in ballots. In addition, you may deposit your completed ballot in the Official Ballot Drop Box that has been installed in Quarry Plaza in front of Bay Tree Bookstore.
In addition, this year the State of California is allowing Conditional Voter Registration at select polling locations, including the Bay Tree Bookstore and the Santa Cruz County Elections office.  At these sites, you can register and vote conditionally. Conditional ballots will be processed once the county elections office has completed the voter registration verification process.  
Thank you for participating in your government!