In Winter 2015, the Division of Physical and Biological Sciences convened a review committee to document, assess, and evaluate our consolidated undergraduate advising unit, Undergraduate Affairs. This was in response to questions raised by the CP/EVC and concerns about the quality and accessibility of advising in the division that surfaced in several external reviews. Our centralized undergraduate affairs unit was created in the fall of 2009, in an effort to concentrate our advising efforts during the initial rounds of budget cutting just after the 2008 economic crisis. We commend all those who worked tirelessly to make our centralized model work.
Though we created some efficiencies, we found disadvantages to the centralized unit, and based on the findings and internal assessment, we have decided to reinvest in departmental undergraduate advising effective August 1, 2016. Some critical functions will remain centralized: DRC testing accommodations, curriculum planning, scheduling and enrollment management oversight, catalog updates, data analysis, and academic program review and development support. New advising contact information may be found here.
Our primary commitment is to the students. It is with that in mind that we are carefully planning for this transition to make it as seamless as possible. Through the month of August, we will be in state of flux and appreciate your support and patience as we gear up for Fall Quarter. We are diligently working to update resource materials and websites, transition to a new reporting structure, and manage multiple office relocations.
I appreciate the collective efforts of those in the Physical and Biological Sciences and across campus who are aiding us in improving the student experience at UC Santa Cruz. It is my sincere hope that we can build a stronger fundamental connection between students, academic advisers, department staff and faculty through this strategic reinvestment in undergraduate advising.