Proposal to increase parking fees

To: UCSC Community

From: Jean Marie Scott, AVC Risk and Safety Services

For those who haven't yet submitted comments about the current proposal to increase UCSC parking fees, I'd like to remind you that the deadline for submittal is next Tuesday, May 26th. The proposal is available at the TAPS website; comments should be submitted to

Following several questions that have been raised, I want to clarify that although the feedback received will be summarized, TAPS will also include each piece of feedback in the packet that is submitted to the Chancellor and EVC Galloway with the final fare proposal.  This information will contribute to their review, consideration and action as it relates to the parking fare proposal.

A Town Hall has been scheduled this Thursday, May 21 (12:00pm–1:00pm at the Stevenson Event Center). The purpose of this session is to provide additional information about the current proposal, and to answer questions. The Town Hall will be recorded, and the audio file will be available at the TAPS website for those who are unable to attend.