About the SAB
The mission of the UC Santa Cruz Staff Advisory Board is to support both the educational goals of the University and the welfare and diversity of the staff. SAB serves in an advisory capacity to the Chancellor and all senior officers, management and other campus parties or organizations seeking staff consultation, in accordance with California laws and UC Regent policy. The board is dedicated to promoting better communication and relations among UC Santa Cruz employees and administration.
Joining the Staff Advisory Board presents an excellent opportunity for you to get involved with our campus, the UC system and the greater Santa Cruz community. Becoming an SAB member can put you face to face with campus and system-wide leaders who can help you better understand staff policies and how to effect positive change for staff.
Our efforts range from participation with United Way and the Second Harvest Holiday Food Drive, to the Transportation Advisory Committee and Student Fee Advisory Committee. SAB advocates for staff system-wide, having two Board members that sit on the Council of UC Staff Assemblies (CUCSA). We are also actively engaged with campus Diversity and Advocacy efforts and committees.
In addition, SAB proudly sponsors the Chancellor's Staff Forums and the Annual Staff Appreciation Event. We also coordinate and administer the Thumbs Up award each year, and work together with the Alumni Association to present the annual Outstanding Staff member award. As you can see, SAB believes in leading by example!
We sincerely hope that you will consider taking this opportunity to be a voice for your fellow staff members and get involved in some very meaningful community building efforts!
How to Apply:
Please complete the self-nomination form below and then, using cut and paste, reply in an e-mail to: sabnominations@ucsc.edu.
Nominations must be submitted no later than May 9th, 2014 by 5 p.m.
Elections will be held May 12th - May 19th, 2014 and new members will be announced at the Staff Appreciation Picnic on May 20th, 2014.
Membership Requirements:
All non-exclusively represented career staff employees who have completed probation are eligible to serve on the Staff Advisory Board.
Since there is a time commitment to serving on the SAB, it is strongly recommended that nominees have the support of their supervisor.
The term of membership is three years.
Learn More:
For more information please refer to our Membership FAQs here: http://sab.ucsc.edu/outreach-committees/sab-elections.html
If you have additional questions please do not hesitate to contact us as sabnominations@ucsc.edu.
- Name:
- Position:
- Phone/UCSC extension:
- E-mail:
- Brief statement (your experience and why you are interested in serving):
*Note: As part of the election process, your name, position and nomination statement will be posted on the ballot for staff to review and vote.