With great sadness, we write to tell you that Kayla Hallee, a member of the Merrill College community since 2010, died last week near Santa Barbara. Kayla was an Environmental Studies major who had taken a leave of absence during the 2012-13 academic year and was planning to return to UCSC this fall as a junior. She was a graduate of Mission Viejo High School.
We do not yet have information about a memorial service, but will inform you of plans as they become available. In the interim, please join us in extending our heartfelt condolences to Kayla's family, her friends, and our community.
This is sad, unwelcome, difficult news, and the staff at Merrill and at Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) is available to help you cope with it. We encourage you to come by the college office or to contact us at 831-459-2144, or to call CAPS at 831-459-2628. The Employee Assistance Program 831-459-4996 is available to members of the faculty and staff.