Social Sciences Dean Sheldon Kamieniecki presented 10 students with social sciences majors with awards for their senior theses as part of his 2012-2013 undergraduate awards competition. In addition, three students also won chancellor's awards.
The winners were honored along with their faculty mentors at a luncheon June 6 during the quarterly meeting of Dean Kamieniecki's board of councilors.
Award-winning senior capstone projects ranged from a look at anti-mining protests in Puno, Peru, to foreclosures and loan modifications for immigrants in Watsonville, water equity and the global water crisis, newly observant Jews in Washington Heights, N.Y., and sexual double standards among undergraduate women.
Winners of both dean's and chancellor's awards are Alisa Pierini (anthropology, Merrill);
Nestor Silva (Latin American and Latino studies, Merrill); and Carson Watts (sociology, Oakes).
Winners of dean's awards are Allison Bach (legal studies, Kresge); Aleshia Barajas (Latin American and Latino studies, Merrill); Matthew Goff (sociology, Kresge);
Daniel Kagan (community studies/art, Stevenson); Emma McDonell (environmental studies, College Eight); Alexa Paynter (psychology, Cowell); and Savyonne Steindler (anthropology, Oakes),
Faculty mentors attending included John Borrego, Latin American and Latino studies;
Ben Crow, sociology; Peggy Estrada, Latin American and Latino studies; Jonathan Fox, Latin American and Latino studies; Ruth Langridge, legal studies; and Flora Lu, environmental studies.
Melissa Caldwell, anthropology, Kyle Eischen, assistant dean, Shannon Gleeson (Latin American and Latino studies), and Roger Schoenman, politics served on the awards committee and chose the winners.
Dean's award winners receive $100. In addition, chancellor's award winners also receive $500. The awards are part of the campus's undergraduate honors program.
Ten social science majors win undergraduate honor awards