Bumper stickers may proclaim “Compost Happens,” but why leave it to chance? With some basic information anyone can generate a high-quality soil amendment for garden and orchard.
Learn what it takes to make quality compost happen at “Compost for the Home Garden and Orchard." The workshop will take place Saturday, March 30, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Alan Chadwick Garden on the UC Santa Cruz campus.
Led by Chadwick Garden manager Orin Martin, and Zoe Hitchner and Sky DeMuro of Everett Family Farm, the workshop will cover the basics of choosing materials for your pile, how to balance “greens” and “browns” to get the right blend of nitrogen and carbon, how to build and maintain your compost pile, and how to use finished compost in your garden or orchard.
Cost is $30 for the general public, $20 for members of the Friends of the UCSC Farm and Garden, and $5 for UCSC students (with student ID) payable the day of the class (check or cash only). Online registration is also available at http://compost.bpt.me.
Wear comfortable walking shoes and bring a snack. Heavy rain cancels.
For more information, call (831) 459-3240, email casfs@ucsc.edu, or see http://casfs.ucsc.edu. Workshops are cosponsored by the Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems and the Friends of the UCSC Farm & Garden; UCSC student participation is supported by UCSC’s Measure 43.
The Alan Chadwick Garden is located across from Stevenson College on the UC Santa Cruz campus; free public parking is available in the Stevenson College parking lot. For directions, see http://casfs.ucsc.edu/about/directions-2.
UCSC workshop March 30 reveals the fine points of composting

(Photo by Abby Huettner)