An Associated Press article on the high cost of repairing the San Onofre nuclear power plant quoted lecturer Daniel Hirsch and appeared in many publications and news sites.
Hydrologist Andy Fisher was featured in a Wired news story about his research on water flow and microbial life beneath the seafloor.
Astronomer Sebastiano Cantalupo was quoted in stories about his research on dark galaxies from UPI, Science Daily, eScience News, Innovations Report, and Science Codex.
Astronomer Steve Vogt was featured in a National Geographic Channel program, "Finding the Next Earth."
Santa Cruz Patch tagged along for author Michael Pollan's visit to the UCSC Farm.
Research on proton radiography led by physicists Robert Johnson and Hartmut Sadrozinsky was covered by the Santa Cruz Sentinel, San Jose Mercury News, and MedGadget.