Our University - September 2012

To: UCSC Staff and Faculty

From: UC Office of the President

Read the latest news for faculty and staff in the September issue of Our University:
  •  Read about the Onward California tour highlighting UC's impact on everyday lives
  •  Learn more about the upcoming campus climate survey, the largest such survey ever
  •  View the new UCPath Center website and read about upcoming career opportunities at the UC Path Center
  • Read about UC people making a difference locally and globally
See these and other news stories for UC faculty and staff in the September Our University, UC's systemwide newsletter for faculty and staff.

A link to a printer-friendly version is featured under the newsletter's date in the upper-left corner for employees who do not have ready access to a computer at work.  Managers and supervisors are encouraged to print out and post this text-only version — also available for download at http://ouruniversity.universityofcalifornia.edu/sep12/sep12.pdf