eCommons Online Course Evaluations for Spring Quarter

To: UCSC Students

From: VPDUE Richard Hughey

Within the next few days many of you will receive emails about participating in the Spring quarter Online Course Evaluation (OCE) process. We encourage you to evaluate your courses using this system. Student evaluations are an integral component in the faculty tenure review process. Additionally, evaluations help faculty gauge ways in which their instruction or the course material could be improved. In short, your opinions matter and are taken seriously. We want to assure you that this information is confidential and your identity is not connected to the data.

As we continue to update and modify the system, one component that we have not yet been able to change concerns the reminder messaging component. We understand that receiving multiple reminder messages can be frustrating. At the present time the frequency is controlled at the department/college level, and we have asked participating units to use discretion when issuing reminders. Know that it is our goal to consolidate the reminder messages in a future roll-out of the system.

Departments and colleges have been instructed to issue the evaluations from Tuesday, May 29 through Sunday, June 10. While the start date may vary, the last day to evaluate a course is Sunday, June 10, which is the day before finals begin. All course evaluations should be received no later than that date.

Thank you for your feedback and continued support as we further develop the online evaluation system and work to improve the evaluation process across the campus. If you have any comments on the use of online instructor evaluation and suggestions for improvement, please send them to as we work to further refine the system.