Academic Recruitment System Goes Online June 1

To: UCSC Staff and Non-Senate Academic Employees

From: Pamela Peterson, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Academic Personnel

The Academic Personnel Office is pleased to announce the launch of UCSC Academic Recruit, an online application system designed to improve support for the recruitment of world-class academics to UC Santa Cruz.

UCSC Academic Recruit allows for direct electronic submission of materials by applicants, as well as secure online review by academic search committees. This will facilitate the recruitment review process and significantly reduce the current staff workload associated with receipt and management of applicant materials. The system is part of the larger UC Recruit application system being deployed throughout the UC system as a 'Working Smarter' initiative.

The Recruit system will be available for new Senate faculty recruitments as of June 1, 2012. Other academic recruitments will be added to the system later in 2012-13. Hands-on training will be provided for hiring units. More information on the project is available at

Many thanks to the people involved in bringing UC Recruit to our campus.