Our University: UC's economic impact, what drives health care costs, and other news

To: UCSC Community

From: UC Office of the President

Read the latest issue of Our University.

* Read about UC's economic impact on California
* Learn what drives health insurance costs up and what you can do to help control costs
* Read about employee assistance programs and how one one director is helping on her campus

See these and other news stories for UC faculty and staff in the September Our University, UC's systemwide newsletter for faculty and staff.

Our University is available at: http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/ouruniversity/sept11

A printer-friendly link is featured under the newsletter's date in the upper-left corner for employees who do not have ready access to a computer at work. Managers and supervisors are encouraged to print out and post this text-only version -- also available for download at http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/ouruniversity/sept11/Sept.OurUpdf.pdf