Our University – Fond farewell to retiring faculty and staff and more news

To: UCSC Community

From: UC Office of the President

Read the latest issue of Our University.

* Read profiles of some of the many dedicated faculty and staff who are retiring this month

*Watch a video of Russell Gould, outgoing chair of the Regents, talk about the need for long-term state support

*Learn about the latest advocacy efforts in Washington, D.C.

Plus UC people who make a difference, HR news and more

Our University is available at: http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/ouruniversity/jun11/

A printer-friendly link is featured under the newsletter's date in the upper-left corner for employees who do not have ready access to a computer at work. Managers and supervisors are encouraged to print out and post this text-only version -- also available for download at http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/ouruniversity/jun11/jun11.pdf