The 2011 ballot will include the following:
Measure 47: Student Government Fee Increase (Undergrad)
Measure 48: Universal Access Fee (Undergrad and Grad)
Measure 49: Cultural Arts & Diversity Fee (Undergrad)
Measure 50: Measure to Increase Student Voice (Undergrad)
Measure 51: Measure 16 Amendment (Undergrad)
The ballot will also include voting for the 2011-2012 Student Union Assembly (SUA) Officers, voting for College Representatives to the SUA, and opinion polls.
You may begin voting at 8:00 am on Wednesday, May 11th by visiting: Students are required to enter their Student ID and birth date to access the electronic ballot. Voting continues through 7:59 am on Wednesday, May 18th. Election results will be announced in early June 2011. For additional information or disability related needs, please contact 831-459-1676 or