Letters policy

Review welcomes letters and publishes them in its online and print editions.

Submit letters via e-mail to review@ucsc.edu. Submissions should be fewer than 250 words.

Letters will be edited for length and clarity. In the case of print, they'll also be edited for space. While we will try to accommodate as many letters as possible, we reserve the right not to print every letter we receive. We may also limit the number of letters we publish on one subject or from one individual.

We seek feedback, debate, and commentary on campus issues and activities. Personal attacks or material we deem inappropriate or of insufficient interest to the UCSC community will not be printed.

UCSC faculty, staff, and students, as well as members of the broader community, may submit letters for publication. Your letter must include your full name; anonymous submissions will not be published. The author's daytime phone number and e-mail are required so that we can communicate with you, but your contact information will not be published.

As a publicly funded publication, Review is unable to publish advocacy letters regarding union or noncampus elections.