UCSC in the News

Geophysicist Steven Ward's research on tsunamis was the subject of stories in New York magazine, Huffington Post, and Bay Citizen.

New Scientist and Our Amazing Planet covered a report from graduate student Jake Walter on movement of the Whillans Ice Stream in Antarctica caused by the earthquake in Japan.

Seismologists Thorne Lay and Emily Brodsky were quoted in stories about possible links between major earthquakes in New Scientist, MarketWatch, the Australian, Times (South Africa), and New Zealand's Dominion Post and Waikato Times.

The Sacramento Bee published an opinion piece by Daniel Hirsch, a lecturer in nuclear policy affiliated with Colleges 9 and 10, arguing that climate change or nuclear power are not the only choices.

The Associated Press quoted Hirsch in an article about a state Senate hearing on the seismic safety of nuclear power plants.

Marine ecologist Daniel Costa and his research on Weddell seals in Antarctica were featured in a story on Public Radio International's The World.

Biomolecular engineers David Deamer and Mark Akeson were featured in a story in the Economist magazine about progress toward cheaper, faster genome sequencing using "nanopore sequencing" techniques.

In These Times quoted history professor Dana  Frank for an article about how Wiki-leaked cables revealed U.S government knowledge of the military coup in Honduras.

A story in the San Jose Mercury News, Santa Cruz Sentinel, andMonterey County Herald featured biologists Brandon Southall, Colleen Reichmuth, and Caroline Casey and their research on the vocal communications of elephant seals.

New York’s Rochester Democrat and Chronicle quoted Gail Hershatter, UCSC history professor and vice president of the Association for Asian Studies, for a story about the University of Rochester’s preparations to launch an East Asian studies program.

The Los Angeles Times, LA Stage Times, KPCC, and KUSC interviewed Carolyn Dunn, managing director of UCSC’s American Indian Resource Center, about the premiere of her play, The Frybread Queen by Native Voices at the Autry National Center in Los Angeles.

Read past news coverage roundups.