If you haven’t already done so, you have until 5 p.m. on Tuesday, November 23 to make UC health and welfare benefit plan changes for 2011. We encourage you to take any actions soon and not wait until the last minute to avoid heavy usage that can cause delays in accessing the At Your Service website.
Key Reminders:
- The Health Net Blue & Gold HMO is a new plan that offers the exact same benefits as the Health Net HMO plan, but with a customized network of cost-efficient providers. If you are currently enrolled in the Health Net HMO and your doctor will be a provider under the Health Net Blue & Gold HMO, or if you are willing to change doctors to take advantage of the lower Blue & Gold HMO premiums, you must go to At Your Service (https://atyourserviceonline.ucop.edu/ayso) and elect the Blue & Gold HMO before 5 p.m. on November 23. If you take no action, your current Health Net HMO plan enrollment will continue for 2011 at the higher premium. Represented employees should refer to the “Information for Represented Employees” at http://atyourservice.ucop.edu/open_enrollment/employees/e_bargaining_units.html.
- The CIGNA Choice Fund is being discontinued. The Anthem Lumenos PPO with HRA will replace the CIGNA plan. If you are a current CIGNA member you will be transferred automatically to the new Anthem Lumenos plan unless you choose another plan during Open Enrollment.
- Eligible children up to age 26 may be enrolled in your UC insurance plans that provide coverage to children, but you must enroll them during Open Enrollment.
- You must re-enroll to participate in the Health Flexible Spending Account (Health FSA) and/or Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account (DepCare FSA) in 2011, even if you are currently enrolled in these plans. In 2011, Health FSA funds may no longer be used for over-the-counter medicines unless you have a prescription for that medication.
To make your Open Enrollment elections, go to At Your Service (https://atyourserviceonline.ucop.edu/ayso) and sign in to your account. If your plan requires a primary care physician (PCP), you will need to provide the new medical plan’s ID number for your PCP. You can search for this number by doctor name while in the Open Enrollment application. In addition, if your provider is in Santa Cruz County you can find the ID number for your PCP at the following links:
- Online Enrollment Codes for Palo Alto Medical Foundation – Santa Cruz
- Online Enrollment Codes for Physicians Medical Group of Santa Cruz County
For more information, see the UC Open Enrollment website: http://atyourservice.ucop.edu/open_enrollment/. For individual assistance, contact the campus Benefits Office at 831-459-2013.