UCSC in the News

The Silicon Valley Business Journal ran a profile of Gordon Ringold, newly appointed director of Silicon Valley Initiatives.

Biomolecular engineer David Haussler was featured in an article about genomics in the Economist magazine.

Seismologist Emily Brodsky was quoted in an article in USA Today and other Gannett newspapers about the USArray seismology research project.

Biologist Glenn Stewart was quoted in a San Jose Mercury News story about Cooper's hawks nesting in residential neighborhoods.

The Mercury News also reported that UCSC student Nick Vasallo is the university's first music doctoral candidate to win the $21,000 President's Dissertation Year Fellowship

The Santa Cruz Sentinel, San Jose Mercury News, and Monterey Herald ran stories about four UCSC faculty members elected to the California Academy of Sciences.

The Santa Cruz Sentinel, San Jose Mercury News, and Fort Bragg Advocate-News ran stories about a major equipment donation to materials scientist Nobuhiko Kobayashi from Philips Lumileds.

Biologist James Estes was quoted in an Associated Press story about the effectiveness of rescuing oiled birds in the Gulf of Mexico.

Computer scientist Michael Mateas's project to make an interactive game that generates editorial cartoons was featured in an article on the Nieman Journalism Lab site.

Computer scientist Noah Wardrip-Fruin and graduate student Teale Fristoe were featured in a Softpedia article about their work with Microsoft's Kodu game development software.

Physicist David Smith was quoted in a New Scientist article about research on terrestrial gamma-ray flashes generated by thunderstorms.

Atmospheric scientist Patrick Chuang was quoted in a Wired News article about mysterious "hole-punch clouds."

The Santa Cruz Sentinel published a front page story on the seventh annual Mandolin Symposium held on campus led by mandolin great David Grisman, where nearly 100 students spent the week learning technique, music appreciation, and composition.

The Sentinel also ran a story about UCSC's new major in Jewish Studies, quoting Murray Baumgarten, professor of English and comparative literature.