CP/EVC: Selection Process and Approximate Timeline

  • February 8: Chancellor Blumenthall appoints the CP/EVC Search Committee.

  • March 1: The position announcement is widely circulated and posted on the CPEVC Search web site.

  • March 17: The final version of the detailed position description and campus prospectus is approved by the committee and posted on the CP/EVC Search web site.

  • April 1: Initial application review begins. New applications beyond this date are welcome. Committee review will continue until the position is filled.

  • Late April/Early May: The committee conducts in-person interviews with candidates on a "long short list."

  • Late April to mid May: In consultation with the Chancellor, the committee selects approximately three candidates to bring to campus for interviews and meetings.

  • Second half of May: The first candidate is brought to campus with the others following closely. As detailed on the standard itinerary, meetings are scheduled for representatives of campus administration, faculty, staff, and students. In addition, each candidate addresses the Town Hall meeting for approximately 30 minutes on her/his vision for the future of UCSC, strategy for getting there, and personal leadership style. Q & A follows.

    A standard response/feedback form will be provided to each person attending each of the scheduled meetings. These forms can be submitted at the meeting attended or sent later on. All feedback will be carefully reviewed by the committee.

  • Early-to-mid June: The committee will complete its work and write up its formal recommendations. It is within the purview of the CP/EVC Search Committee to determine the number of candidates forwarded for final consideration and to determine whether to offer a ranked or unranked list of final candidates. The committee will decide on how to structure their recommendations at the time they write the final report.