Message for staff and faculty about participation in the 2010 US Census

To: UCSC Faculty and Staff

From: Donna Blitzer, Director, UCSC Government Relations

During the past year, UC Santa Cruz has been working in partnership with local community leaders and organizations; local city and county governments; and the federal government to communicate the value of getting a "complete count" during this 2010 US Census. For those who have already filled out and mailed in your 2010 Census forms, we greatly appreciate your participation. For those who either have not returned or received your households' Census form, please read on.

Why It Is Important

Census data will provide state population counts and determine representation in the U.S. House of Representatives. Every year, the federal government distributes more than $400 billion to state, local and tribal governments based on census data. Data also will guide local decision-makers on where to build new schools, roads, hospitals and develop community programs that affect quality of life.

Special Notice for Faculty/Staff Living On-Campus

In March 2010, the U.S. Census Bureau mailed 2010 Census forms to all residences, except for college students living in group quarters. All faculty, staff, and those living in family student housing on-campus should have already received their forms by mail in March 2010. However, if you are faculty/ staff living on-campus and have not received your household's Census form, please contact Marilyn Booth at the local US Census Office: (408) 792-6523. She will ensure a form is sent to your home promptly.

More Information

For more information, you can go to or visit a "Questionnaire Assistance Center" set up at various time and locations throughout Santa Cruz County. For specific times and locations of these centers, please go to:

Thank you.