Portland, Ore.
November 3
Alumni gathering and presentation
5 to 7 p.m.
Hotel Monaco
506 SW Washington St.
503 222-0001
831 239-8384 (cell for organizer Liz Sandoval, Merrill 71)
UC Santa Cruz environmental studies professor Daniel Press and a group of his students will be Portland to visit environmentally conscious companies SolarWorld and Epson Portland in Hillsboro, Blue Heron Paper in Oregon City, and Agri-Plas in Tigard and Brooks. The group will give a presentation to UCSC alumni in the area. Come find out what current UCSC students are doing and what's up in the UCSC Environmental Studies Program.
Boulder, Colo.
Join fellow alumni and friends for an evening of socializing, networking, along with beer tasting at Walnut Brewery.
6 - 8 p.m.
Cost: $10, includes appetizers and beer tasting
1123 Walnut St., Boulder, CO
303 447.1345
Located in the heart of Boulder, Walnut Brewery is the winner of multiple Great American Beer Festival awards.
For more questions about UCSC and the event, please send e-mail to slugconnect@ucsc.edu.
December 6
Annual BSLUG holiday party
3:30 - 6 p.m.
At the home of Mary Jane and Peter Suzman
14 Leonard Street, West Newton, Mass.
The party is a fundraiser for the Smith Scholastic Society/Renaissance Scholars Program, founded by Cowell alumnus Bill Dickinson. The Smith Society provides UCSC mentors, scholarships, and collegiate resources to foster children, homeless and runaway youth, orphans, and wards of the court.
Thanks to the marvelous generosity of Mary Jane and Peter Suzman, the festivities will be held for a fifth time at their home in West Newton, Mass. For all of you who have come in years past, you know this is great news. You'll not only enjoy the wonderful company of fellow UCSC alums, but also partake of an extraordinary assortment of scones, various little sandwiches, and festive sweets accompanied by Mary Jane's delicious and aromatic wine punch.
Friends and family are also welcome! It's the perfect way to greet the winter season.
Contact Beata for directions, car-pool arrangements, or any questions.
Email: beatapana@gmail.com
Tel. (h) 617-491-3871
All tax-deductible donations received go directly to the Smith Society/Renaissance Scholars Program. Contributions, large and small, are most welcome. Please print out and mail in the following form with your check.
*****************************Print Out and Detach*************************
Yes, I will attend the BSLUG Holiday party and here is my contribution of $_______
I am sorry that I cannot attend, but I would like to participate with the BSLUGs in contributing to the Smith Society Scholarship Fund. My contribution of $_________ is enclosed.
Suggested donation: $15-25 per person (larger donations will also be much appreciated by the Smith Renaissance Society).
Checks should be made payable to: "UC Santa Cruz Foundation" and write in the memo line: Smith Society Operating Fund SS009F
Mail to: Beata Panagopoulos, 28 Maple Ave., Apt. 3, Cambridge, MA 02139-1130.
You will receive a receipt directly from UCSC.
Washington, D.C.
December 8
Happy Hour
1620 I Street NW
Washington, DC. 20006
(202) 429-4350
6 to 8 p.m.
Join fellow Banana Slugs for a meet-and-greet Happy Hour to welcome Amy Everitt, the incoming UCSC Alumni Association president. The evening will be filled with networking, socializing, and fun. Appetizers will be provided.
For more information, please join the DC Group or contact Shayna Kent, skent1@ucsc.edu.