Reminder: Upcoming campus meetings on UC's future, retirement plan, budget

To: UCSC Community

From: Assistant Chancellor Ashish Sahni

Four significant events are scheduled on campus over the next several weeks. Supervisors are encouraged to provide release time to allow employees to participate.

The events are:

Forum with the UC Commission on the Future

October 29, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Stevenson Event Center

Meeting of the UC Post-Employment Benefits Task Force

November 3

12-1:30 p.m. for staff and academic employees

2:30-4 p.m. for retirees and emeriti

Stevenson Event Center

Staff Advisory Board-sponsored town hall forum on the budget

November 10, 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Stevenson Event Center

Town hall forum on the budget for faculty and academic employees

November 10, 4:30 - 6 p.m.

Stevenson Event Center

UC Commission on the Future

The UC Commission on the Future, founded by Board of Regents Chairman Russell Gould and UC President Mark Yudof, is charged with looking at how the University of California can best serve the state and maintain access, quality and affordability in a time of diminishing resources.

The Commission and its working groups - on the size and shape of UC, education and curriculum, access and affordability, and funding and research strategies - will meet through March to consider, among other issues:

What is the right size and shape of the University going forward? Where should it grow, or should it?

What educational delivery models will both maintain quality and improve efficiency for UC's future?

How can UC maximize traditional and alternative revenue streams in support of its mission?

Chancellor Blumenthal is co-chair of the Size-and-Shape working group.

UC Post-Employment Benefits Task Force

President Yudof established the UC Post-Employment Benefits Task Force to study and recommend funding, policy, and benefits design alternatives to help UC develop a comprehensive, long-term approach to post-employment benefits.

Chancellor Blumenthal is a member of the 15-member steering committee. Campus Provost/Executive Vice Chancellor David Kliger is a member of the 18-member work group.

Budget Forums

Two budget forums are scheduled - one for staff, another for academic employees. Chancellor Blumenthal and CP/EVC Kliger will provide the latest updates on efforts to implement changes stemming from budget cuts and they will be available for questions.

Please note: For those unable to attend one or more of these events, all events will be recorded and made available for later viewing. Links to the recordings will be available at