Recent retirements

The following staff and faculty members retired during the period of November 2008 through April 2009. Retirees are listed with their position prior to retirement and their length of service (rounded to the nearest year).* Thanks to all for their many years of service to the university.

Andrea Ames, assistant, TAPS, 10 years

Laurie Babka, committee analyst, Academic Senate, 21 years

David Harrington, associate professor, psychology, 33 years

Robert Hastings, assistant to the dean, Graduate Studies and Research, 32 years

Steven James, police sergeant, University Police, 20 years

Ilse Kolbus, director, Physical Plant, 18 years

Virginia Lichac, undergraduate adviser, Psychology Department, 12 years

Yalenda Listmann, graduate program coordinator, Music Department, 18 years

Joseph Miller, astronomer, professor of astronomy; vice provost, Silicon Valley Initiatives, 42 years

Norma Ray, instructional program analyst, Humanities Division, 29 years

Patricia Sanders, operations coordinator, Student Housing Services, 25 years

Doreen Schack, administrative analyst, Alumni Association, 24 years

Carolyn Stark, administrative specialist, TAPS, 11 years

Phyllis Strickland, staff research associate, Biology Department, 29 years

Dennis Tibbetts, director, American Indian Resource Center, 7 years

Thomas Turton, programmer analyst, University Affiliated Research Center, 5 years

Jefferson Waldron, principal animal technician, Physical and Biological Sciences, 23 years

Lorraine Warren, senior secretary, Bay Tree Bookstore, 12 years

* Retirement information provided by the UCSC Benefits Office.

Previous retirement listings:

April - October 2008

January - April 2008

September - December 2007

May - August 2007

January - April 2007