Pay reductions to be implemented for UC senior managers

To: UCSC Community

From: Dwaine B. Duckett, vice president for UC Systemwide Human Resources


I write to share with you the attached memorandum from President Yudof to Chancellors and Executive Vice Chancellors outlining a pay reduction they will be instituting for themselves and other UC senior managers.

Next week, we expect to have more information regarding other courses of action that may be taken to deal with the latest state budget cuts. You should know that your leaders at both the systemwide and campus level will work hard and thoughtfully to guide UC through these very difficult circumstances. As fellow UC employees, we want to be sure to share clear, real time information with you as soon as it is available. Additional information will be sent out as we work though these issues and develop solutions.


Dwaine B. Duckett

Vice President

UC Systemwide Human Resources