About the UCSC budget: Auxiliary enterprises

These are non-instructional support services that are provided primarily to students for a specified charge. While important to supporting the campus enterprise - they are not part of the campus's primary budget process. Revenues in this category - housing and dining services, parking, bookstore - are generated by user fees and are used to offset expenses specific to the service, including debt service. Auxiliary Enterprises, because they are self-supporting, reimburse the campus for a full complement of administrative services, including internal audit, police and fire protection, business services, and central administration.


STIP Interest - Most funds earn interest through the Short Term Investment Pool, also known as STIP. OP receives the STIP earned on State Funds, Federal Indirect Cost Receipts, Educational Fees, and a few other specific funds. Campuses receive the STIP earned on Gifts, Self-Generated Income (except for Housing Funds, which are held by OP), Registration and Campus Mandatory Fees, Endowment Income, and all other funds, which the exception of those which are retained by OP.

Endowment income - Endowment income is based on the annual earnings of the endowment principal. This funding is usually designated for specific activities or programs and is not part of the campus's annual budget process.

Miscellaneous - The income received from vending machines, late fees, parking fines, sales and services, and cell tower leases are all examples of miscellaneous income. Policies govern the use of these funds. These funds are included in divisional long-terms plans, but they are not part of the annual allocation process.