Chancellor's Undergradute Internship Program seeking applicants

The 2006-07 CUIP class with Chancellor George Blumenthal and Bill Ladusaw, dean of Undergraduate Education

The Chancellors Undergraduate Internship Program (CUIP) is now recruiting qualified student applicants for the 2008-09 academic year. The application deadline for the program is Tuesday, February 19.

CUIP is entering its 15th year as a prestigious internship program at UCSC. The program provides undergraduate students with professional internships in various oncampus units. Opportunities range from the Good Neighbor Intern working with Community Relations to internships in the Cowell Student Health Center working with the Student Health Outreach Programs. For the 2008-09 year, there are a number of internships in the areas of social justice and diversity and sustainability. Over 30 internship proposals can be viewed online. CUIP pays an intern's student fees for a full nine-month academic year.

CUIP is a unique program designed for highly qualified students who desire to participate in a challenging oncampus project with a specific goal to be reached by the year's end. Interns take a two-quarter, two-unit class led by the dean of Undergraduate Education, Bill Ladusaw.

The class, required of all CUIP interns, is titled Teamwork and Institution Building and is held every Monday from 5-7 p.m. in the fall and spring quarters. The class is designed to enhance the educational value of the interns' experience by insuring that interns reflect on the goals, potential impact, and outcomes of the projects. Interns get the chance to develop an understanding of the complexities and context of UCSC as an institution and are rewarded with an understanding of how their projects contribute to UCSC's mission and effectiveness.

The format of the class varies slightly during each of the terms. Some meetings are composed of presentations and discussions, while other evenings include presentations by campus administrators and discussions about current issues at UCSC. At the end of each term, interns are expected to give formal presentations about their projects.

Applicants must be in good standing and submit two letters of recommendation, along with a cover letter, resume, and online application. Applicants may apply for up to four internships.

For more information about the program and read intern success stories, visit the CUIP web site. Additionally, you may contact the Career Center Internship Program Team at (831) 459-3973 or