Resources for those affected by the Virginia Tech tragedy

To: Campus Community

From: Counseling and Psychological Services

Counseling and Psychological Services (CPS) is reaching out with compassion to the many individuals who have been affected in the aftermath of the tragedy at Virginia Tech University. Violence, the threat of violence, and traumatic death are daily facts of life, but we often distance ourselves emotionally from these realities. In the aftermath of the Virginia Tech events, all of us who live, work, or have loved ones on college campuses are responding with varying degrees of shock, fear, grief, numbness, confusion, anger,and mourning.

Sudden violent and traumatic events that hit close to home can stir unresolved feelings from previous trauma, undermine one's sense of safety, create feelings of intense vulnerability, and affect one's mood, sleep, academics or relationships. Whether you have suffered the direct loss of a loved one, are a survivor of violence yourself, or are feeling overwhelmed by the impact of the Virginia Tech assaults and suicide, CPS is available to assist you.

We are providing two upcoming opportunities for campus community members to gather together, discuss the personal impact of Virginia Tech events, listen and support each other, and receive information about trauma and recovery.

The meetings will be:

* Thursday, April 19, at 12:00-1:00

* Monday, April 23, at 12:00-1:00

They will both take place in the Amah Mutsun Conference Room A on the 3rd floor of the Bay Tree Bookstore

Please check our web site for additional information and online resources for grief and trauma recovery:

In addition, all registered students are eligible for our services, which include:

* walk-in crisis appointments, weekdays, 9:30-11:30 a.m. and 2-4 p.m.

* brief confidential individual counseling. For more information, call 459-2628.

UCSC staff and faculty can access their Employee Assistance Program by dialing: 1-866-808-6205.

Counseling and Psychological Services staff looks forward to assisting you, however we can, in the days and weeks ahead.