Planning for in-person instruction this fall

To: UCSC Community

From: Chancellor Cynthia Larive and Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Lori Kletzer

We are excited to share that we are planning for in-person instruction this fall.

As the transmission rate of COVID-19 continues to fall, the default mode of instruction for most courses will be in-person, with room capacities at 100%. We are eager for students and instructors to once again be in classrooms together, and we are encouraged by the fact that the campus had no documented cases of in-class transmission of COVID-19 at any point in the pandemic, thanks to the mitigation measures introduced at each stage to respond to the pandemic and its many variants.

As we did prior to the pandemic, the campus will also offer some intentionally designed online offerings. These courses have been approved by the Academic Senate to be offered in an online format. Some of these courses are synchronous and others asynchronous.

The schedule of fall classes will be released in May and will contain detailed information about each course’s modality. Except in very rare cases, remote attendance in in-person courses for the entire quarter will not be available in 2022-23.

It’s difficult to anticipate what public health measures, if any, will be required in the fall. Whatever the future brings, our priority will continue to be the wellbeing of our students, faculty, and staff. We will rely on the guidance of our county, state and federal health leaders, and when needed, enforce mitigation measures to support the well being of our campus community and operational needs.

We would like to thank you for your understanding and flexibility over the past two years as we have continued to advance our campus mission while prioritizing the well-being of our Banana Slug community. You have consistently demonstrated a collective commitment to taking appropriate measures to minimize the impacts of COVID-19. We know these efforts have not been easy. Because of all our collective efforts, we believe we are ready to return to predominantly in-person teaching, learning, research and creative scholarship and service this fall, while retaining some online course offerings for those students who want to take advantage of them.