Summer Session — Remote Instruction for 2020

To: UC Santa Cruz Community

From: Interim Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Lori Kletzer

UC Santa Cruz will continue remote delivery of instruction through Summer Session 2020. Given what we know now, remote instruction is our best choice for the summer ahead. We are confident this transition will go well, especially after the hard work, dedication, and innovation that has been put into winter and spring quarter’s fast changes.  

We will offer more than 300 summer classes, completely remote. We’re adding more summer classes to support unmet spring demand, and the small number of courses that cannot be taught remotely are being removed. Over the next few weeks, Summer Session will make changes to its website. The Schedule of Classes will be finalized by April 24.

Enrollment opens May 1 at 12:00 a.m. in as planned for all summer classes. 

Financial aid will continue to be available to eligible students, and summer grant estimates are available through their online grant calculator.

Current information about Summer Session is at including FAQs for students, faculty, and staff. Campus community members can send questions to