Community and UCSC police town hall

To: UC Santa Cruz Community

From: Nader Oweis, Chief of Police

Over the past several weeks, the UC Santa Cruz Police Department met with various student, staff, and faculty groups to hear and gather feedback regarding security and community concerns. This was also an opportunity for us to provide information about a number of improvements, policing initiatives, and current events that affect our community.

Based on the feedback we received, a town hall has been organized for May 2, 2017, from 5–7 p.m. at the Colleges Nine and Ten Multipurpose Room. The town hall will be moderated by members of the Indian Student Association, Sigma Lambda Beta, Tau Kappa Epsilon, and the SUA Office of Diversity and Inclusion. This is also being sponsored by the Title IX Office and Office of Standards and Community.

We hope that you will be able to join us to discuss issues or concerns you have to enhance security across campus, increase collaboration and interaction with the UC Santa Cruz Police Department, and become more informed about initiatives we have implemented.