Updated Summer 2014 Orientation Dates

To: UCSC Community

From: Rosa M. Plaza, Director of Orientation

Starting July 22, over 4,700 new UC Santa Cruz students and over 3,500 family members will be on our campus for Summer Orientation. Students and family members come to Orientation feeling nervous, excited, scared, and anxious. Lets make this transition less stressful and their experience on campus magnificent! If you encounter students or family members around campus, please greet them and ask if they have questions or need help getting somewhere. These gestures are greatly appreciated and foster a sense of welcome and belonging for our new community members, which will stay throughout their years at UCSC.

Update your calendars with the confirmed Summer Orientation dates:

•  Tuesday, July 22 (Frosh Day)

•  Wednesday, July 23 (frosh Day)

•  Friday, July 25 (Transfer Day)

•  Saturday, July 26 (Frosh Day)

•  Tuesday, July 29 (Frosh Day)*

•  Wednesday, July 30 (Frosh Day)

•  Thursday, July 31 (Frosh Day)

*Overnight program participants (Students stay overnight in the residence halls.)

Faculty, staff, and the greater campus community play an invaluable role for students, and your continued participation in Orientation is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, feedback or want to share ideas for future programming, please contact Rosa M. Plaza at rplaza@ucsc.edu.

Thank you for your support.

For your convenience, add the new Orientation Google Calendar. The UCSC Orientation Calendar contains dates for Summer Orientation, Fall Welcome Week, International Orientation, New Student Move-in, Winter Orientation (if offered), Winter Welcome; and dates of mass email communications sent to new students on behalf of the UCSC Orientation Office.

To add to your Google Calendars, follow these instructions.

1. Go to your Google Calendar
2. From the Other Calendars section (located on the left side), click on the down arrow to the right
3. Select Add by URL
4. Copy and paste URL into the URL field. DO NOT check the "Make this calendar publicly accessible?" box.  http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/ucsc.edu_q8jee8pvidt03lq60mtf0rjil0%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics
5. Click Add Calendar.